Considering that companies need legal assistance in lawful dealing with work relations, and especially taking into account a large number of regulations governing this area, we have recognized that client’s need and we have specialized in responding promptly to every problem that client may come across. Our task is to prevent problems and disagreements between employer and employees by working with the client and having a thorough knowledge of his business and future plans and also thorough timely legal counseling and business alignment with applicable regulations.
Our services in this area include legal consulting (providing legal advice and opinion on every relevant question concerning the employment issues), as well as representation, which includes the following:
Compilation of all general and individual acts of the employer
Preparation of general acts such as : rules on protection of personal data of employees, a rulebook on the behavior of employees of employees and superiors, dress code of employees, rulebook on alert procedure, rulebook on determining and sanctioning the use of alcohol or other illicit substances, rulebook on travel expenses, rulebook on work evaluation procedure – remuneration/ sanctioning the employees
Development of individual solutions such as: decision on the use of annual leave, decision on paid/unpaid leave, decision to remove an employee from work, a decision to send and employee on a business trip, decision to terminate the employment contract and similar.
Drawing up a contract
-An employment contract, an annex to an employment contract, an offer of an employment contract or annex
-Temporary and occasional employment contract
-Vocational Training and Training Agreement
-Training and development contract (professional practice)
-Volunteering contract
-Service contract
Disciplinary proceedings before the employer and drafting of all necessary legal acts
Counseling and representing employer or employee before starting and during disciplinary procedure.
Legal representation in all types of labor disputes and procedures for amicable settlement disputes
–Annulment of dismissal decision
–Cancellation of annex to the employment contract
–Unpaid wages or earnings
-Compensation to the employer or employee
–Work injuries
–Mobbing (abuse at work), discrimination