Damjana Pavleski
Lawyer | Partner

Damjana Pavleski is qualified as a lawyer to represent clients in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro. She specializes in representing clients before courts in domestic and international family disputes. She has an extensive experience in family cases where there are allegations of domestic violence involving physical and psychological abuse, as well as financial control of family members.

Also, she regularly represents parents in complex family disputes to resolve family relations, e.g. when a parent wants to relocate with the child to another city or a country, and there is no consent of the other parent, or when there is an attempt to alienate the child from one parent or members of the child’s extended family.

Her cases include also complex financial issues during marriage or during divorce, such as procedures for dividing matrimonial property in the Republic of Serbia and abroad. She often leads negotiations for clients on the agreement on the division of assets or of nuptial and prenuptial agreements.
She speaks Serbian and English.

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    • Belgrade Bar Association
    • Bar Association of Serbia
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    International conferences and seminars:

    • 2024 IAFL and AIJA Conference – Introduction to European Family Law (Paris, France)
    • 2024 Council of Europe HELP program – Violence against women and domestic violence
    • 2023 IAFL Conference – Introduction to European Family Law (Bucharest, Romania)
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Recent work highlights:

  • She represents the client in a challenging case of exercising parental rights in which there is an issue of domestic violence against the child, as well as an attempt to alienate the child from the parent. For this complicated case, Damjana is acting simultaneously in as many as 4 court proceedings (one litigation, one enforcement procedure and two criminal cases).

  • In an international family dispute, she successfully represented the mother who lives in England, while the child and father are in Serbia (the father was entrusted with the child’s independent exercise of parental rights in an earlier decision) before the court in Serbia. In the dispute she led, the earlier decision was changed in such a way that now the child is entrusted to the mother, and she is allowed to relocate with the child to England.

  • She represented a client before the Belgrade High Court in an extremely high-stake procedure for the division of assets in which the question of spouses’ contribution to the marital assets during the marriage, is disputed.

  • She successfully represented a mother who wanted to relocate with the child to another city, due to a new marriage and pregnancy.

  • She represented a high net client from the USA in negotiations with his wife who lives in Serbia, regarding the division of joint property located in the USA, Serbia, and Switzerland. After successful negotiations, the division of property was formalized by concluding an agreement on the division assets.
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