Attorney Pavleski spoke about prenups at a conference in Thessaloniki
In April 2024, a two-day international conference of family lawyers was held, organized by the International Academy of Family Lawyers. The conference was held in Thessaloniki, Greece.
It gathered around 100 lawyers, mostly from Europe. There were representatives from 27 different jurisdictions at the conference. The only representative from Serbia was Lawyer Aleksandar Pavleski, who was one of the speakers on the Prenups and Postnups panel.
The other 3 family lawyers who participated in the panel with lawyer Pavleski Aleksandar were from the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Romania. The goal of this panel was to exchange legal knowledge and experience regarding the prenuptial agreements, as well as property division agreements in the context of domestic and international family law. The emphasis was on the dilemmas of clients, but also lawyers during negotiations and conclusion of contracts, as well as possible family disputes for the termination of contracts.
Apart from the topic discussed by Lawyer Aleksandar Pavleski, the following were also discussed:
- Presentation of the new EU Commission Proposal on protection of adults
- Presentation of Greece’s new legislation on same-sex marriage and recognition of decisions establishing a parent-child relationship in same-sex couples
- Update on ECHR case law on adoption, separation and placement
- Subpoena and service of decisions
- Crossborder families in times of trouble (war, refugee issue etc)
It is particularly interesting that Greece is the first Orthodox country to introduce the possibility of same-sex marriages into its legal system, and it was useful to hear the dilemmas that lawyers and courts face in applying this law. Same-sex marriages are not allowed in Serbia, but we hope that Serbia will follow the example of Greece.